#Life | "If we allow a child their sadness, it doesn’t make sadness bigger, instead, it actually makes the sadness smaller because the child feels understood and validated. And when negative emotions are dealt with early in a child’s life, they learn enduring skills to help them through life’s future bumps and bruises." to Continue Reading...... That Green Stuff at the Sushi Restaurant Not Really Wasabi #Restaurant | What separates fake wasabi from the real thing? Learn more about Asian food and culture as we dive into the facts about real wasabi. read more... Nicky Campbell reveals he felt like an imposter in his own life #Life | Long Lost Family host Nicky Campbell, 59, appeared on Lorraine to discuss his memoir, One of the Family, detailing his life with adoptive parents and his mental health struggles. read more... DIY Hair Thickening Rinse #Diy | What You Need: 1 cup Water 2 tbsp. Cloves Items Needed: Sauce Pan Small Strainer Air...