#SloppyJoe | Sloppy Joe Stuffed Bell Peppers. Uh, yeah, you heard me correctly. Sloppy Joes. Stuffed into a pepper. And they are bloody fantastic! Seriously, when was the last time you had sloppy joes? For me I was probably 12 and I’m pretty sure I remember it coming from a can. From what I remember, sloppy Joes were … to Continue Reading...... POMEGRANATE APPLE SPARKLER #Pomegranate | I love fall and winter beverages! This POMEGRANATE APPLE SPARKLER is simple, delicious, and screams COME TO MAMA or PAPA. read more... Das perfekte Hefeteig Grundrezept mit Tipps amp Tricks #Amp | Das Hefeteig Grundrezept mit Tipps & Tricks zur Herstellung, Lagerung und Hintergrundwissen rund umd as Thema Hefe, Hefeherstellung und Hefeeigenschaften. read more... Yeasted Heart Shaped Doughnuts with Raspberry Jam recipe by Dev Amadeo #RaspberryJam | This Yeasted Heart Shaped Doughnuts with Raspberry Jam recipe is featured in the Doughnuts feed along with many more. read more...