What You Must Know About the Keto Diet Before You Partake

#KetoDiet | First up is the Keto Diet Review: The Keto diet is extremely popular for quick weight loss (that is only as sustainable if you can stay on the diet).
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The 1 Food You MUST Avoid to FIGHT Type 2 Diabetes hint it s NOT sugar
#Diabetes | If you listen to mainstream medicine, I’m sure you’ve only heard that you need to avoid sugar if you have diabetes or are pre-diabetic. But what if I told that mindset totally misses the mark and ignores perhaps a MORE important food that increases your risk? According to Dr. Ray Peat, PhD, “Diabetes is just […]
7 Signs Of Food Sensitivity and what to do about it
#Food | Have you ever wondered if you have food sensitivities to foods you eat everyday? Maybe you have your suspicions, but no real data to back it up. A lack of data makes it harder to comply and take your sensitivities seriously. I mean, who wants to avoid a food unless they have good reason to?...Read More
Hair Analysis The Strange Test Your Must Know About
#Hair | Are you… …tired of your doctor ignoring your symptoms if there’s not a pill to fix it? …tired of your doctor not connecting how you feel to your nutrition? …tired of doctors saying there is no correlation between what you eat, how you feel and your health condition? Sorry to be the bearer of bad...Read More
The Nutrient Imbalance that can cause Thyroid Symptoms Fatigue Weight Gain
#Thyroid | According to the American Thyroid Association, more than 12 percent of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime. That’s a whole lot of Americans that might just have thyroid symptoms triggered by a nutrient imbalance brought on by under-eating, low-carb dieting, supplement use and eating too much processed food, all of...Read More
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