34 DIY Baby Blankets

#Baby | Have a new baby in the house, on on the way or know someone with a newborn? If so, then have the perfect DIY ideas to consider making this weekend. Baby items are some of the cutest things around, we already know that, but these baby blankets, wow. Practical and one of the most useful things you can
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31 Free Printables and Templates for Mason Jars
#Printables | Love giving mason jar gifts? We do too, but have found one of the nicest things about these gifts is making them super personalized and handmade. Check out these free printables for tags and cute labels to add to your jars. Whether you are making homemade sugar scrub or organizing the kitchen, these
33 Cool DIY Projects You Can Make With A Zipper
#Diy | Have some extra zippers laying around and holding on to them in case you come up with something cool to make? We found these 33 awesome DIY projects made with zippers, and think you should stop saving those zippers and make these. From cool DIY home decor to some creatively easy and quick homemade g
37 Mason Jar DIYs for Summer
#MasonJar | Mason Jar Ideas for Summer . Mason Jar Crafts, Decor and Gifts, Centerpieces and DIY Projects With Jars That Are Perfect For Summertime. Fun and Easy Lights, Cool Vases, Creative 4th of July Ideas
When my spirit go beyond by Eriko Kaniwa Photography Digital
#Spirit | When my spirit go beyond is a creation by the artist Eriko Kaniwa. Category Nature, Landscape, Waterscape, lake, river, Fine-Art, Contemplation, Historical, Photography, Digital. Nikon D810, ND filters, Adobe PS CC. Long exposure 4min. 6 distinctions, 3K views,…
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